Welcome to the 2023 BIGSSS CSS 2023 workshop and tutorial on Response-Item Networks (ResIN) in R. For a theoretical overview of the method and its capabilities, and exciting applications, please refer to https://www.resinmethod.net/. Also, we strongly recommend our having the package documentation handy whilst working on this tutorial (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ResIN/ResIN.pdf). To kick things off, we include a couple of teasers of different -graphs we will construct as part of this tutorial:

Teaser I

Teaser II

Teaser III

Workshop contents

  1. Data preparation & cleaning

  2. Main algorithm

  3. qgraph and igraph integration & visualization with ggplot

  4. Advanced features of the ResIN function + exercise

Workshop prerequisites

To get started, let’s import some political attitude data from the 2020 wave of the American National Election Studies (ANES). The ResIN package takes care of all computational legwork for the examples presented here; we need to load the remaining packages solely for the purpose of visualization.

## Loading required packages: Here with "pacman" manager 
if(!require("pacman")) install.packages('pacman')
## devtools::install_github("nsgrantham/ggdark") ## ggdark (fancy plotting) requires devtools install the first time around

## 2020 Wave of the ANES as example data
anes_timeseries_2020 <- read.csv("anes_timeseries_2020.csv")

1. Data preparation & cleaning

1.1 Data preparation - before

V200002 V200003 V200004 V200005 V200006 V200007 V200008 V200009
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 4 -1 3 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 1 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 1 4 -1 3 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 0 -2 -2 -2 0
3 2 3 1 4 -1 3 0

1.2 Data preparation - recode missing

## Selecting Res-IN node variables: 
anes_nodes <- dplyr::select(anes_timeseries_2020, c("V201336", "V202257", 
                                                    "V201417", "V201312", 
                                                    "V201416", "V201262", 
                                                    "V202337", "V201258"))

## Recoding missing values (check ANES codebook!)
anes_nodes$V201336[anes_nodes$V201336 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V202257[anes_nodes$V202257 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V201417[anes_nodes$V201417 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V201312[anes_nodes$V201312 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V201416[anes_nodes$V201416 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V201262[anes_nodes$V201262 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V202337[anes_nodes$V202337 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA
anes_nodes$V201258[anes_nodes$V201258 %in% c(-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, 99)] <- NA

## Give more recognizable names
colnames(anes_nodes) <- c("abort", "income", "immigr", "welfare", "gay_mar",
                          "environm", "gun_own", "aid_black")

1.4 Data preparation - adding lables

## Re-code response labels to make them more recognizable 
anes_nodes <- anes_nodes %>% dplyr::mutate(
                  abort = dplyr::recode(abort, `1` = "never",
                                        `2` = "spec_cases",
                                        `3` = "in_need",
                                        `4` = "always",
                                        `5` = "other"),
  income = dplyr::recode(income, `1` = "favor",`2` = "oppose", `3` = "neither"),
  immigr = dplyr::recode(immigr, `1` = "send_back", `2` = "guest_prog",`3` = "neither"),
  welfare = dplyr::recode(welfare, `1` = "increase",`2` = "decrease", `3` = "same",),
  gay_mar = dplyr::recode(gay_mar, `1` = "recogn",`2` = "civ_union", `3` = "no_recogn"),
  environm = dplyr::recode(environm, `1` = "regul+++",`2` = "regul++", `3` = "regul+", `4` = "neut",`5` = "regul-", `6` = "regul--", `7` = "regul---"),
  gun_own = dplyr::recode(gun_own, `1` = "more_diffic",`2` = "easier", `3` = "same"),
  aid_black = dplyr::recode(aid_black, `1` = "yes++",`2` = "yes+", `3` = "yes", `4` = "neut",`5` = "no", `6` = "no+", `7` = "no++"))

1.5 Data preparation - after

abort income immigr welfare gay_mar environm gun_own aid_black
spec_cases favor send_back decrease no_recogn regul— same no++
always neither neither decrease recogn NA same neut
always favor NA increase recogn regul+++ more_diffic yes
never favor send_back same recogn regul+++ same NA
in_need neither guest_prog same civ_union neut same no+
always neither neither same recogn NA more_diffic yes
in_need neither guest_prog increase recogn regul- more_diffic no++
always neither send_back same no_recogn NA more_diffic no++
always neither send_back same recogn NA more_diffic NA
always neither guest_prog same civ_union NA easier neut
never neither neither increase no_recogn regul+++ more_diffic yes++
spec_cases oppose neither same recogn regul+++ more_diffic no++
always neither send_back increase civ_union neut more_diffic no++
always favor neither same recogn regul+++ more_diffic yes
always oppose guest_prog same civ_union NA more_diffic yes++
in_need neither neither same recogn NA easier neut
always favor neither same recogn regul+ same neut
always favor neither same recogn regul+ more_diffic yes

2. Main Res-IN algorithim

2.1 Item binarization

2.2 Res-In adjacency matrix

2.3 Force-directed location estimation

2.4 Coordinate rotation (PCA)

2.1.1 Item binarization

2.1.2 Item binarization - example

## Using the ResIN function from the ResIN package: 
df_dummies <- ResIN::ResIN(anes_nodes)$df_dummies

## Number of collumns in the binarized, item-response data-frame:
## [1] 34
abort_always abort_in_need abort_never abort_other abort_spec_cases income_favor income_neither
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1

2.2 Res-IN adjacency matrix

2.2.1 ResIN (sparse) correlation matrix (no within-item correlations)

## Generate a symmetric correlation matrix & apply item response lables
res_in_cor <- ResIN(anes_nodes, remove_negative = FALSE,  cluster = FALSE)$adj_matrix
abort_always abort_in_need abort_never abort_other abort_spec_cases income_favor
abort_always 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48
abort_in_need 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.12
abort_never 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.36
abort_other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.05
abort_spec_cases 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.36
income_favor 0.48 -0.12 -0.36 -0.05 -0.36 0.00
income_neither -0.10 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.04 0.00
income_oppose -0.47 0.10 0.27 0.06 0.34 0.00
immigr_guest_prog -0.18 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.14 -0.16

2.3 Force-directed location estimation

2.3.1 Force-directed location estimation - using igraph package

## Here we take advantage of the "layout_with_fr" function taken from the igraph package
res_in_layout <- ResIN(anes_nodes)$node_frame

2.3.2 Force-directed location estimation - data-frame

x y node_names
-8.50 -0.21 abort_always
1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need
5.11 1.20 abort_never
2.61 -2.06 abort_other
4.94 -0.35 abort_spec_cases
-8.44 0.62 income_favor
1.81 1.25 income_neither
5.00 0.21 income_oppose
4.36 -1.84 immigr_guest_prog
-6.83 0.04 immigr_neither
6.57 1.22 immigr_send_back
5.51 0.15 welfare_decrease
-9.33 -0.45 welfare_increase
-1.56 0.12 welfare_same
4.14 -0.61 gay_mar_civ_union

2.3.3 Force-directed location estimation - plot

2.4 Coordinate rotation

2.4.1 Coordinate rotation using PCA

## Performing PCA with the R-native "prcomp" function; Note that is step is no longer required as ResIN package automates this step for us
res_in_layout_pca <- prcomp(res_in_layout[,1:2])$x
res_in_layout[1:2] <- res_in_layout_pca

2.4.1 Coordinate rotation using PCA - R example

3 Integration & visualization with qgraph and igraph packages

3.1 qgraph-integration

## qgraph package (Epskamp and Costantini et.al.)

resin_qgraph <- ResIN_qgraph(anes_nodes, plot_graph = TRUE,
                    qgraph_arglist = list(layout = "spring", maximum = 1, vsize = 4,
                    DoNotPlot = TRUE, sampleSize = nrow(anes_nodes),
                    title = "ANES 2020 ResIN plot made with qgraph package",
                    mar = c(3,3,3,3), normalize = FALSE))

3.2 Visualization with igraph and ggplot2

  1. ResIN function can transform edge lists generated by igraph output to ggplot friendly data.frame

  2. Here, we use the geom_curve() layer in ggplot for network visualization

  3. We can add node-level covariates or network statistics to enhance our plot

3.2.1 Visualization with ggplot2 - prep work

## The ResIN function by default provides a plotting-optimized, edge-list data-frame 
edgelist_frame <- ResIN(anes_nodes)$edgelist_frame

3.2.2 Visualization with ggplot2 example data-frame

from to weight from.x from.y to.x to.y x y node_names
abort_always income_favor 0.48 -8.50 -0.21 -8.44 0.62 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always immigr_neither 0.30 -8.50 -0.21 -6.83 0.04 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always welfare_increase 0.42 -8.50 -0.21 -9.33 -0.45 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always gay_mar_recogn 0.67 -8.50 -0.21 -7.68 -0.28 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always environm_regul++ 0.18 -8.50 -0.21 -6.15 0.07 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always environm_regul+++ 0.55 -8.50 -0.21 -9.41 0.18 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always gun_own_more_diffic 0.50 -8.50 -0.21 -7.83 0.52 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always aid_black_yes 0.14 -8.50 -0.21 -5.05 0.08 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always aid_black_yes+ 0.34 -8.50 -0.21 -8.29 -1.06 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_always aid_black_yes++ 0.45 -8.50 -0.21 -9.35 0.90 -8.50 -0.21 abort_always
abort_in_need income_neither 0.04 1.34 -0.41 1.81 1.25 1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need
abort_in_need income_oppose 0.10 1.34 -0.41 5.00 0.21 1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need
abort_in_need immigr_guest_prog 0.06 1.34 -0.41 4.36 -1.84 1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need
abort_in_need immigr_neither 0.01 1.34 -0.41 -6.83 0.04 1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need
abort_in_need welfare_decrease 0.06 1.34 -0.41 5.51 0.15 1.34 -0.41 abort_in_need

3.2.3 Visualization with ggplot2 - basic plot

There are many options to plot networks with ggplot. Here, we show an option using the geom_curve function which works well with edge-list type dataframes (i.e. with from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y edge-specific information).

ANES_net_fig <- ggplot() +
    geom_curve(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = from.x, xend = to.x, y = from.y,
                yend = to.y), curvature = 0, color = "grey") +
        ## geom_curve requires the x, xend, y and yend aesthetics to be able to plot the network edges
    geom_text(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, label = from), size = 3, color = "black") +
    geom_text(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = to.x, y = to.y, label = to), size = 3, color = "black") +
        ## Make sure to plot node labels both based on the to and from columns in the plotting frame!
    ggtitle("Belief Structure among ANES 2020 Respondents")+
    expand_limits(x = c(min(edgelist_frame$x-2), max(edgelist_frame$x+2)),
                  y = c(min(edgelist_frame$y-2), max(edgelist_frame$y+2))) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
          legend.text = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

3.2.4 Visualization with ggplot2 - basic plot

3.3.5 Visualization with ggplot2 - more fancy plot

Let’s add a few additional visual elements to enhance our plot. This step also prepares us to for multi-variate data-analysis leveraging each item-response node’s spacial position and various outside information. In this example, we show how to add information on Feeling-thermometer scores to map information on affective polarization between partisan groups onto the attitude space.

## Here, we use Democratic and & Republican feelings thermometers: V201156 and V201157

anes_timeseries_2020$V201156[anes_timeseries_2020$V201156 < 0] <- NA
anes_timeseries_2020$V201157[anes_timeseries_2020$V201157 < 0] <- NA

anes_nodes_plus <- cbind(anes_nodes, anes_timeseries_2020$V201157, anes_timeseries_2020$V201156)
colnames(anes_nodes_plus) <- c(colnames(anes_nodes), "V201156", "V201157")

## We would like to extract the mean of each thermometer variable for the subset of respondents who selected each item response:
ResIN_anes <- ResIN(anes_nodes_plus, node_vars = colnames(anes_nodes), node_covars = c("V201156", "V201157"), 
                        node_costats = c("mean", "mean"), network_stats = TRUE)

edgelist_frame <- ResIN_anes$edgelist_frame

## We can simply calculate node-level affective polarization as the distance between Democrat and Republican FT's  
edgelist_frame$aff_pola <- abs(edgelist_frame$V201156_mean - edgelist_frame$V201157_mean)

3.3.7 Visualization with ggplot2 - data-frame

from to weight from.x from.y to.x to.y x y node R_mean_FT D_mean_FT node_label aff_pola NA NA NA NA
abort_always income_favor 0.480 -8.498 -0.208 -8.443 0.617 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always immigr_neither 0.302 -8.498 -0.208 -6.832 0.038 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always welfare_increase 0.425 -8.498 -0.208 -9.325 -0.446 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always gay_mar_recogn 0.674 -8.498 -0.208 -7.681 -0.282 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always environm_regul++ 0.183 -8.498 -0.208 -6.152 0.071 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always environm_regul+++ 0.545 -8.498 -0.208 -9.406 0.175 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always gun_own_more_diffic 0.498 -8.498 -0.208 -7.834 0.517 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always aid_black_yes 0.139 -8.498 -0.208 -5.052 0.078 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always aid_black_yes+ 0.345 -8.498 -0.208 -8.289 -1.063 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_always aid_black_yes++ 0.452 -8.498 -0.208 -9.348 0.900 -8.498 -0.208 abort_always 0 0.0018063 4.041088 4.041088 28.74123 59.17015 abort_always 30.43
abort_in_need income_neither 0.038 1.336 -0.411 1.806 1.254 1.336 -0.411 abort_in_need 0 0.0023380 1.424381 1.424381 48.37396 40.89372 abort_in_need 7.48
abort_in_need income_oppose 0.098 1.336 -0.411 5.004 0.207 1.336 -0.411 abort_in_need 0 0.0023380 1.424381 1.424381 48.37396 40.89372 abort_in_need 7.48
abort_in_need immigr_guest_prog 0.056 1.336 -0.411 4.362 -1.836 1.336 -0.411 abort_in_need 0 0.0023380 1.424381 1.424381 48.37396 40.89372 abort_in_need 7.48
abort_in_need immigr_neither 0.006 1.336 -0.411 -6.832 0.038 1.336 -0.411 abort_in_need 0 0.0023380 1.424381 1.424381 48.37396 40.89372 abort_in_need 7.48
abort_in_need welfare_decrease 0.065 1.336 -0.411 5.507 0.154 1.336 -0.411 abort_in_need 0 0.0023380 1.424381 1.424381 48.37396 40.89372 abort_in_need 7.48

3.3.8 Visualization with ggplot2 - more fancy plot

ANES_dark <- ggplot() +
    geom_curve(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = from.x, xend = to.x, y = from.y,
                yend = to.y, size = weight^10), curvature = 0.15, color = "grey", alpha = 0.4) +
                  ## Note that we use the size aesthetic to control the thickness of the graph edges
    geom_text(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, label = from, color = aff_pola), size = 6) +
    geom_text(data = edgelist_frame, aes(x = to.x, y = to.y, label = to, color = aff_pola), size = 6) +
                  ## Make sure to plot node labels both based on the to and from columns in the plotting frame
    ggtitle("Belief Structure among ANES 2020 Respondents")+
    expand_limits(x = c(min(edgelist_frame$x-1.5), max(edgelist_frame$x+1.5)),
                  y = c(min(edgelist_frame$y-1.5), max(edgelist_frame$y+1.5))) +
    scale_color_continuous(name = "Intensity of Partisan Affective Polarization", high = "yellow", low = "blue")+
    scale_size_continuous(guide = "none")+
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
          legend.text = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size=18))

3.3.9 Visualization with ggplot2 - more fancy plot

3.4. Correlational analysis

Although statistical analysis with ResIN can be as complex as you want, we are simply correlating feelings thermometer scores with the spacial location of ResIN nodes. Also, we run a simple linear regression model predicting whether left-wing or right wing attitudes more easily connect to other idea elements in the belief system.

## Correlation between ResIN Left-right position and mean Republican feelings thermometer:
cor(ResIN_anes$node_frame$x, ResIN_anes$node_frame$V201156_mean)
## [1] 0.9636615
## Simple regression model predicting node centrality from squared x-position
ResIN_anes$node_frame$x_sq <- (ResIN_anes$node_frame$x-mean(ResIN_anes$node_frame$x))^2

summary(lm(ResIN_anes$node_frame$Closeness ~ ResIN_anes$node_frame$x + 
## Call:
## lm(formula = ResIN_anes$node_frame$Closeness ~ ResIN_anes$node_frame$x + 
##     ResIN_anes$node_frame$x_sq)
## Residuals:
##        Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max 
## -7.665e-04 -1.013e-04  1.499e-05  1.024e-04  4.021e-04 
## Coefficients:
##                              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)                 2.466e-03  8.376e-05  29.437  < 2e-16 ***
## ResIN_anes$node_frame$x     2.660e-05  9.336e-06   2.849  0.00773 ** 
## ResIN_anes$node_frame$x_sq -5.354e-06  2.123e-06  -2.522  0.01700 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.0002375 on 31 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5847, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5579 
## F-statistic: 21.82 on 2 and 31 DF,  p-value: 1.216e-06

4. ResIN function advanced features

4.1 Advanced ResIN features

4.2.1 ResIN function returns

4.2.2 Let’s test things out using ESS data!

## Importing ESS 2018 dataset and selecting all relevant variables
ESS_9 <- read.csv("ESS_9.csv")

ESS_9_n <- ESS_9 %>% dplyr::select(cntry, lrscale, gincdif, freehms, impcntr,
                                   ipstrgv, ipeqopt, impenv)

## Sub-setting only Austrian respondents
ESS_9_ch <- ESS_9_n[ESS_9_n$cntry=="CH", ]

## Using the advanced function to generate a plotable data-frame
ResIN_gen_ch <- ResIN(ESS_9_ch, node_vars =
                            c("gincdif", "freehms", "impcntr", 
                              "ipstrgv", "impenv"),
                      node_covars = "lrscale", node_costats = "mean", EBICglasso = TRUE)

4.2.3 Advanced features - plotting European example

## ResIn_gen stores the ggplot-ready dataframe in an object called "ggplot_frame"
plotting_frame <- ResIN_gen_ch$edgelist_frame

## Now we can plot the network using geom_curve!
ESS_net_fig <- ggplot() +
    geom_curve(data = plotting_frame, aes(x = from.x, xend = to.x, y = from.y,
                yend = to.y, size = weight^3), curvature = 0.2, color = "grey") +
                  ## Here, we specified edge size according to the correlation weight and color edges based on node strength centrality
    geom_text(data = plotting_frame, aes(x = from.x, y = from.y, label = from, color = lrscale_mean), size = 5.5) +
    geom_text(data = plotting_frame, aes(x = to.x, y = to.y, label = to, color = lrscale_mean), size = 5.5) +
    ggtitle("Belief System Structure among Swiss ESS 2018 Respondents")+
    scale_color_continuous(name = "Political ideology: Red = left, blue = right", high = "blue", low = "red")+
    scale_size_continuous(guide = "none")+
    theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom",
          legend.text = element_blank())

saveRDS(ESS_net_fig, "ESS_net_fig.rds")

4.2.4 Advanced features - plotting European example

4.3 Interactive visualization with visNetwork package

4.3.1 ANES 2020 Interactive Plot

## Very simple example employing the ResIn_gen function to ANES data: 
ResIN_ANES <- ResIN(anes_nodes, EBICglasso = TRUE, network_stats = TRUE)

## Here we need to do just a little bit of prep-work for the visNetwork package
    ## At the node level, visNetwork minimally needs a unique id column.
      ## Additional columns such as "label", "group", and "title" are optional but very useful for interactive plotting
ResIN_ANES$node_frame$id <- ResIN_ANES$node_frame$node_names
ResIN_ANES$node_frame$label <- ResIN_ANES$node_frame$node_names
ResIN_ANES$node_frame$group <- ResIN_ANES$same_items

    ## The "title" column allows for a flexible HTML pop-up window as part of the integration. 
      ## Here, we customize this window with network descriptive statistics:
ResIN_ANES$node_frame$title <- paste0("<center> <strong>", ResIN_ANES$node_frame$label, "</strong> </center> <br>", 
                                          "Strength centrality: ", round(ResIN_ANES$node_frame$Strength, 2), "<br>",
                                          "Betweeness centrality: ", ResIN_ANES$node_frame$Betweenness, "<br>",
                                          "Closeness centrality: ", round(ResIN_ANES$node_frame$Closeness, 3) , "<br>",
                                          "Expected influence: ", round(ResIN_ANES$node_frame$ExpectedInfluence, 2), "<br>")

## At the edge-level, visNetwork minimally requires a "from" and "to" vector. 
    ## Here we additionally specify the edge weights as "value" collumn.
ResIN_ANES$edgelist_frame$value <- ResIN_ANES$edgelist_frame$weight

## Note how we keep the visualization as sparse as possible by specifying a 0-degree nearest neighbor highlighting option:
ResIN_ANES_plot <- visNetwork(ResIN_ANES$node_frame, ResIN_ANES$edgelist_frame,
                                  main = "Interactive ANES 2020 Belief System Visualization") %>% 
  visPhysics(solver = "forceAtlas2Based", forceAtlas2Based = list(stabilization = 10)) %>% 
  visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = TRUE, degree = 0, hover = TRUE)) %>%
  visNodes(size = 24) %>% visInteraction(hideEdgesOnDrag = TRUE)

saveRDS(ResIN_ANES_plot, "ResIN_ANES_plot.rds")

4.3.2 ANES 2020 Interactive Plot